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Home Frosty's Blog Welcome to our new sponsor.
Welcome to our new sponsor. PDF Print E-mail
Written by Frosty   
Sunday, 25 September 2016 08:12

The Red Victor 1 racing team are proud to announce our newest sponsor is the Belistore.

A little muffin and drink company that are on the up and up and want to be involved with

the team and the quest for the world record!

We thank Richard Reynolds of The Belistore for his foresight in wanting to be part of

our team, and we look forward to working together for the foreseeable future!

Please take a look at Richards website, and if you are at the same meetings he is go and

try his fayre! It's highly recommended by the RV1 racing team!

And if you are unlucky enough not to be at those locations contact him for all your

catering needs. Tell him we told you to call.....





Last Updated on Sunday, 25 September 2016 13:53
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