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RED VICTOR 1,the beginning of the global phenomenon PDF Print E-mail
Written by slinky   
Wednesday, 20 June 2007 21:06

1982, that was the year that the Red Victor story began. From humble beginnings they say...
Bought for measly £60 30 years ago, it was destined to be Frosty's everyday car, and for 10 years it WAS used everyday. He went to work, on holiday, even got married in it!
As the photo shows, the holidays with Deb and the kids were always enjoyable, and there was even some sunshine in those days!!
Of course things always moved on with the car (and still do!). By the time of the RV2 upgrade in 1997 it had seen 5 different, and variably bigger engines in it's life.

Frosty always looks back at the original version with fondness, of days spend with his young family having fun. Of course his young family have grown up,and even have some of their own youngsters now!

Hopefully you've enjoyed a brief trip down memory lane, and maybe have a little better understanding where the roots of Red Victor 3 lie.
Last Updated on Sunday, 06 January 2013 12:38
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